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This moment…

On June 15th, 2016 – 14 Educators and Parents were arrested after the Governor refused to meet with them to discuss the state of Public Education in NC
This moment was everything. It followed a two day, 20 mile + march of over 60 educators, students, and parents. Here, over a hundred of us met in the street after being stood up and locked out of a meeting with the Governor. We were asking that the Governor expand Medicaid, spend the budget surplus on students, and repeal HB2. When police threatened arrest, 14 people stayed in the street, held the line and blocked traffic, and so many more surrounded them physically and emotionally. The people standing on the sidewalks chanting, yelling and singing were wrapping their love and support around all 14 folks standing up for our students.
When the police made it clear that we were about to be arrested, the 14 collapsed together, tightly holding on to each other as we do all year long in classrooms and hallways all over North Carolina. We hold on to each other when we can’t find mental health care for our students. We hold on to each other when we have to figure out transportation for our students. We hold on to each other as we watch essential positions and people stripped from school budgets. We hold on to each other when our students are sent off to deportation centers states away. We hold on to each other when we see them criminalized in disproportionate ways that limit their success and, for some, end their lives. So it felt completely right to hold on to each other in the middle of the street, hold our ground and cry out that #StudentsDeserveMore
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Actions like this require lots of time, work, planning and sacrifice. We are grateful for the people tirelessly working in front of and behind the scenes for many, many months to make the #StudentsDeserveMore fight happen.
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There is still time to show your support for the students of North Carolina and these 14 teacher advocates by donating.